Darwin's Myth

If Darwin Wanted To Be An Ape, He Could Have Left My Family Out Of It!

Category: Christianity

Do Transitional Fossils Really Exist?

I want to get to the heart of the matter, and that is, do fossils really prove that evolution ever happened? It seems to me, that if the intermediate, or transitional fossils, are not present in the fossil record, then evolution doesn’t have a fossil leg to stand on. So, I began to research the Archaeopteryx, and the intermediate fossils, that are supposed to link it with reptiles, and they don’t exist anywhere. They’re not in the museums, school text books, or anywhere on the internet. Sure, evolutionists will do their best to show us how it all happened, by referring us to videos that use drawings, plastered facsimiles, fancy computer graphics and animations, graphs, charts, and lots of empty words, but, are we going to accept such rhetoric as science? After all, many evolutionists say, the “theory” of evolution is a FACT! Others know better. If evolution is a scientific fact, then there shouldn’t be any problem for the evolutionists to SHOW us, the public, the intermediate fossils that link a reptile to an Archaeopteryx, OR, a land animal to a whale.

There are evolutionary scientists whom have admitted it, that the intermediate fossils are missing. Evolutionists, Niles Eldredge and Stephen J. Gould. because of the ABSENCE of intermediate fossils, came up with an alternative hypothesis, because the needed fossils have been missing for a very long time, and it doesn’t appear, that those fossils are going to pop up any time soon. The hypothesis is called, Punctuated Equilibrium. I guess now, animals will have to give birth to offspring that don’t have the same characterists and appearance as the parents do, in order for Punctuated Equilibrium to be useful. It’s just another useless hypothesis, to cover up the truth. Anti-theist and Darwinist, Richard Dawkins, whom is a gradualist, was fairly vehement with Gould, because of the new hypothesis. Dawkins kept a straight face for such a long time, pretending the intermediate fossils really existed, and then have fellow evolutionists, Gould and Elderedge, call him a liar (in so many words), only proves just how poor the evidence is, in the fossil record.

“The ABSENCE of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution.”– Stephen J. Gould; Harv.Univ.;”Is a New and General Theory of Evolution Emerging?”; Paleobiology, vol.6(1), Jan.1980, p.127

“And it has been the paleontologist, my own breed, who have been most responsible for letting ideas dominate reality: …. We paleontologists have said that the history of life supports that interpretation [gradual adaptive change], all the while knowing that it does not.”– NILES ELDREDGE, Columbia Univ., American Museum Of Natural History, TIME FRAMES, 1986, p.144

I asked evolutionists for many months, on the internet, that they could prove evolution to me, if they can provide the ACTUAL intermediate fossils that link one kind of creature to a completely different kind of creature, such as, a reptile to an Archaeopteryx, and not a single evolutionist or atheist could provide the ACTUAL PHOTOS of such fossils. If those fossils existed in the museums, or in text books, they certainly would be all over the internet, being rubbed into the faces of every young earth creationist. Instead, we see videos uploaded by evolutionists and atheists, using drawings, plastered creatures, computer animations, and lots of empty words, and we’re expected to accept that bunkum as evidence for evolution. Evolution is supposed be science, and science is supposed to be OBSERVABLE and VARIFIABLE, but, evolution is showing anyone who has eyes to see, that IMAGINATION is all the evidence they can gather up, even though, they’ve had over 155 years to find it.

“You say I should at least ‘show a photo of the fossil from which each type or organism was derived.’ I will lay it on the line-there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument. It is easy enough to make up stories of how one form gave rise to another. … But such stories are not part of science, for there is no way of putting them to the test. … I don’t think we shall ever have any access to any form of tree which we can call factual.”– Colin Patterson; Sen. Paleontologist, British Museum of Nat. History; HARPER’S, Feb. 1984, p.56

I’m finding out now, that when evolutonists can’t provide us with OBSERVABLE evidence, namely, the intermediate fossils, they’ll suddenly say,”We don’t need them!”. Then, they’ll start using their IMAGINATIONS to pull out IMAGINARY “evidence” from under the microscope. If the evolutionists can’t find the intermediate fossils after sorting through BILLIONS of fossils, worldwide, then they’re not going to find them, and that can only mean one thing… the “theory” of evolution is bankrupt!

“But fossil species remain unchanged throughout most of their history and the record fails to contain a single example of a significant transition.”– D.S. WOODROFF, Univ. of CA, San Diego, Science, Vol.208, 1980, p.716

Preserved and Articulated Fossils Debunk Millions of Years of Evolution

The so-called geologic column is supposed to be a representation of BILLIONS of creatures that have lived on Earth in the last 100s of MILLIONS of years, and of which, such creatures were slowly buried. But, can creatures be slowly buried over MILLIONS of years, and yet, be preserved? The blunt answer on that is a resounding,”NO!” Most of the BILLIONS of fossils that are found worldwide, including those found on top of every mountain, are PRESERVED and ARTICULATED (i.e. bones still connected). This fact clearly goes against evolution being a viable answer to how fossils are formed, since well preserved fossils cannot be formed by a slow process over millions of years… not even over a few years. Even the sites that promote evolution admits, that fossilization requires a quick burial. The reason why, is because within weeks, a dead creature would be devoured by parasites and predators, and its bones scattered, before it could ever be buried and preserved. For this reason, the so-called geologic column cannot possibly represent MILLIONS of years of evolution. The so-called geologic column, which doesn’t even cover most of the Earth, is more than likely, sediment from the worldwide Flood, as described in the Book of Genesis.

The ABSENCE of intermediate/transitional fossils in the fossil record, adds to the strength of the fossil evidence that favors the Genesis Flood, which you can read about in a previous blog (i.e. Do Transitional Fossils Really Exist?). Fossilized “closed” clams, fossilized soft-bodied marine creatures, and fossilized polystrate trees are strong evidences that the creatures were quickly buried alive. Clams normally die in the “open” position, but, there are untold thousands of fossilized clams that are found in the “closed” position, worldwide, including what’s known to exist on top of every mountain. Soft-bodied marine creatures, such as jellyfish, would require a quick burial, in order to keep parasites and the weather from quickly destroying them. Evolutionists would like to make us think, that there are uprooted super trees that can slowly be buried over MILLIONS of years, without rotting away during that burial process, and then become fossilized. Such a process is scientifically impossible, for an uprooted tree would rot away within a few years. Fossilized polystrate trees (i.e. trees that go through more than one layer of strata that represents MILLIONS of years, according to evolution) are strong evidence against evolution, and were most likely caused by the worldwide Flood.

There have been many fossilized fish found, with fish half-way in their mouths, proving they were quickly buried while having their meal, as from mudslides caused by the worldwide Flood. There are many fossilized creatures found with arched backs, showing that such creatures were in stress as they were quickly buried. Fossilized birds, including the Archaeopteryx fossils, are found in such a way. There are fossilized creatures found to be pregnant, and some were so stressed, that they were giving birth as they were being buried. All of these events show a quick burial, as from mudslides caused by the worldwide Flood. Once again, such events are impossible from slow burial over MILLIONS of years.

Certainly, there will be fossilized bones that are found, that aren’t found intact with the rest of its body, and such things can be expected, since the force of a worldwide Flood would do incredible damage, but, under no circumstance, can it be scientifically proven, that fossilized creatures that are well preserved, which is the case for most fossils, can be formed by slow burial over millions of years.

“Now, one of the reasons I started taking this anti-evolutionary view, well, let’s call it non-evolutionary, was last year I had a sudden realization. For over twenty years I had thought that I was working on evolution in some way. One morning I woke up, and something had happened in the night, and it struck me that I had been working on this stuff for twenty years, and there was not one thing I knew about it. That was quite a shock, to learn that one can be so misled for so long.”-Dr. Colin Patterson, Senior Palaeontologist; British Museaum of Natural History, London, Discussion at the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, 5 November, 1981